Now located at: 11629 Northland Dr. NE Ste. 101 Rockford, MI 49341

Phone: 616-884-0645

Get Grounded! Are You Earthing for Enhanced Health and Wellness?

When humans are walking barefoot outside, we can feel stress and worry melt away. Feeling the grass beneath our feet and the sand between our toes, or even warm pavement radiating heat into our skin, supports this. That's often why we seek out these areas for a reprieve from our normal routines and environments. Being …

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Kids & Their Devices: Healthier Ways to Manage Screen Time

Adults and kids alike are spending as much as 50 percent more time using digital devices than they did two years ago. In our pandemic-altered digital reality, kids and teens have been most affected by the lure of the screen spending several hours a day using devices for school, socializing, and gaming. While it is …

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Natural Stress Solutions During Stressful Times

Natural Stress Solutions During Stressful Times

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, stress levels have skyrocketed. The American Psychological Association publishes a yearly report about American stress levels. After an April-May 2020 poll, they found a substantial rise in average stress experienced by US citizens since the report began in 2007 [11]. This has driven consumers to find natural stress solutions …

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Craniosacral Therapy

What is Craniosacral Therapy? Craniosacral Therapy started in the osteopathic community in the early 1900’s as a way to feel restrictions in the cranial bones and fascia. By freeing the cranial bones and fascia, the practitioner is able to assist the body in regaining normal function in the nervous, lymph, hormonal, myofascial, and gastrointestinal systems. …

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