Now located at: 11629 Northland Dr. NE Ste. 101 Rockford, MI 49341

Phone: 616-884-0645

Relax with Avena

Avena sativa, commonly known as oat, originated in England, France, Poland, Germany, and Russia. It's now grown as a cereal grain around the world. Beyond food, oats are used to manufacture paper, mulch, thatching, mattress stuffing, and mulch. Additionally, raw materials are taken from oats to make nylon and other materials. Traditionally, oats were used …

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Vegetable and Herb Companion Gardening–Get Ready Early!

Disclaimer: This page contains some affiliate links. Hazelnut Naturopathic Health is an Amazon associate and may earn a small commission when you click any link listed here. You are not charged any extra money if you decide to make a purchase, and you help fund a local business focused on improving the health and well-being …

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Biohacking: The Future is Now

What used to be science fiction, limited to books and movies, is now a reality. The development and accessibility of Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats changed biotechnology globally. Commonly known as CRISPR, altering biology and physiology is now possible. Humans have essentially found a way to conquer diseases that were previously death sentences. CRISPR …

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Being Social for Health

Being social may not be on most people's radar as important to health, but it certainly is. Take this for instance. Heart disease is the number one killer around the world—an estimated 17.9 million people die of this alone each year. One study found that among adults with coronary artery disease, socially isolated people were …

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Wim Hof Method

Cold-water immersion therapy dates back as far as 3500 BC. Hippocrates in the 4th century BC wrote about using cold water therapies for medicinal purposes. During the last few decades, cold plunging has been gaining popularity, especially among athletes. One specific method, developed by Wim Hof, is getting extraordinarily popular. What is the Wim Hof …

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Prosper with Bay Leaf

Bay leaf (Laurus nobilis) has been used for centuries for medicinal and culinary purposes. Though native to the Mediterranean region, bay leaf is now grown in warm climates worldwide. In ancient times, this sharp, bitter-tasting herb was known as a symbol of victory, fame, and prosperity. Individuals in past eras would prosper with bay leaf. …

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Hunting for Health

Before modern refrigeration (invented for home use in 1918), many groceries had to be grown and harvested locally. There were no large grocery stores or refrigerated semi trucks to bring food from place to place. There were no giant farms transporting meats from coast to coast like there are now. Farms were also smaller, feeding …

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What is Motivational Interviewing?

You may be asking: what is motivational interviewing? This tool can be a very helpful but simple tool. It's possible to help people find motivation to create positive lifestyle changes by using motivational interviewing techniques. Motivational interviewing assumes people with less-than-ideal behaviors are at various stages of preparedness for making changes. This tool can be …

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