Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy
What is Craniosacral Therapy?
Craniosacral Therapy started in the osteopathic community in the early 1900’s as a way to feel restrictions in the cranial bones and fascia. By freeing the cranial bones and fascia, the practitioner is able to assist the body in regaining normal function in the nervous, lymph, hormonal, myofascial, and gastrointestinal systems. Craniosacral therapy is a whole person therapy focusing on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It is founded on the belief that the body knows exactly how to heal. The role of the practitioner is to help you heal yourself and facilitate the healing process. The primary goal of a craniosacral session is not only to help manage your condition, but to maximize your overall health.
What is Involved in a Craniosacral Session?
Craniosacral therapy is a gentle non-invasive hands-on therapy that follows the subtle movement of your fascia or connective tissue. The practitioner will lightly place (less than a nickle weight of pressure) their hands on areas of restriction that encourages the body to gently release fixations. During the session the client is fully clothed and the therapist evaluates restrictions in movement from different parts of the body. A session usually lasts about an hour but can vary depending on the condition.
What Do People Usually Experience with Craniosacral Therapy?
Most people feel very relaxed and some even fall asleep. Many people can feel the movement inside their bodies and describe it like they are floating on water. Commonly, tingling and heat can also be felt as fixations are released. Because craniosacral therapy is so relaxing, most people can tap into their subconscious and identify blocks to healing and belief patterns that are preventing total health. This dialog represents the most powerful and deep healing that can take place. Many unresolved issues can even be resolved with this therapy.
What is this Fascia that Craniosacral Therapists Follow?
The connective tissue of the body is derived from the third layer of cells in the embryo and evolves into the entire system of muscles, connective tissue, and bones. Fascia forms a transparent network of casings and transparent sheets around virtually every functional unit of the body. Each muscle is surrounded by fascia that allows each muscle to slide across one another with smooth movements.
What are Fixations or Adhesions and How Do They Get There?
Many different processes create fixations or adhesions in fascia. Trauma, accidents, and injuries are all major events that can not only damage bones but also muscles, nerves, and facial tissue. Scar tissue tends to be shorter and less flexible than original fascia so surgery or other trauma also alters the balance of the fascial network. Fevers, chemicals, and hormones can also alter the collagen substance, causing muscle to become glued together and unable to slide across each other in order to work independently. In children the birthing process causes fixations in the facial tissue due to the enormous pressure involved in birth.
Are There Any Harmful Effects From Craniosacral?
Since craniosacral therapy puts your body in charge of healing, there are no harmful effects from craniosacral therapy. A well-trained craniosacral therapist will always follow your body and work with you to heal on many different levels. Some particular hand positions have contraindications if you have increased intra-cranial pressure from a major head injury or if there is a malformation genetically; however, these are rare and your craniosacral therapist will be aware of all of these things.
Is Craniosacral Therapy Scientific and Effective?
Yes, craniosacral therapy has more research behind it than any other hands-on therapy. Craniosacral therapy started in the 1900’s in osteopathic medicine (DO) with doctors working with the head (cranium) and tailbone (sacrum). Since then, it has evolved to treat the entire body. Many controlled studies as well as retrospective studies have proved the effectiveness of craniosacral therapy.
What is Craniosacral Therapy Especially Good at Treating?
My goal is to maximize your health and quality of life, not just help with your symptoms. However some of the most common conditions clients have benefit with include:
- Fatigue/ Chronic Fatigue
- Anxiety/ Depression/ Hyperactivity & other mood challenges
- Gastrointestinal problems like Ulcers, Irritable Bowel, Crohn’s, Diarrhea, Constipation, & Esophageal Reflux (GERD)
- Fibromyalgia/ Musculoskeletal complaints, Injuries, Scoliosis, Sciatica, Disc Herniation, & Chronic Low Back Pain
- Arthritis/ Gout/ other Rheumatic Diseases
- Allergies/ Chronic Infections/ Immune System Disorders/ Autoimmune Disease
- Migraines/ Headaches
- Central Nervous System Disorders/ Traumatic Brain & Spinal Cord Injuries
- Common pediatric conditions like Infections/ Allergies/ Otitis (ear infections)/ Autism/ Colic
- Post Surgery Recovery
- PMS/ Endometriosis/ Menopause, or other hormonal imbalances
- Addictions (smoking cessation)
Used with Permission by Dr. Faith Christensen, ND, RN & Dr. Masahiro Takakura, ND, LAc, DC
If you would like to schedule a craniosacral session, please click here.
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