Now located at: 11629 Northland Dr. NE Ste. 101 Rockford, MI 49341

Phone: 616-884-0645

Plant-Based Nutrition for Everyone

Here's something that might surprise you: not all plant-based diets require elimination of meat. From "meaty" to minimal to meat-free, there are a variety of plans to choose from. And whatever plan you choose, you can be confident that your plant-based diet will help enhance fitness performance, reduce your risk for acute illness, and help …

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Nature’s Remedy Just Beyond Your Front Door

Feeling sluggish? Unmotivated? Stressed? Depressed or anxious? Before you reach for medication, consider trying nature's remedy just beyond your front door. Compelling scientific evidence shows the less time children and adults spend in nature, the greater the detriment to our well-being. Here's a closer look at "nature-deficit disorder" and the health benefits of being out …

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Summer Skin, Naturally

Disclaimer: This page contains some affiliate links. I may earn a small commission when you click any link here to which supports Hazelnut Naturopathic Health. You are not charged any extra money if you decide to make a purchase, and you help fund a local business focused on improving the health and well-being of West …

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5 Ways to Prevent & Reduce Back Pain Naturally

Oh my aching back! Most of us will say this several times over the course of our lifetime. Sometimes it's a chronic issue, a deep nagging ache that impacts daily activities. Other times, it's sudden, acute, and amazingly painful, the result of a "wrong move." This could be from lifting a small child, unloading groceries, …

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Adrenal Fatigue: When Your Body Says Enough

Without a doubt, we are experiencing more burnout and fatigue today than ever before. In some ways, it's an epidemic in and of itself. Many of us are facing some level of challenges due to social isolation, financial strain, health challenges and increasing mental health struggles. Very likely you, or someone you know, has said …

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6 Natural Ways to Manage Osteoarthritis

"Oh, my aching joints!" There's good reason why we hear this so often. Osteoarthritis, known as OA, is the most common musculoskeletal disease in the world. In the United States, 10% of adults with OA also enjoy a lower quality of daily living. It's a prevalent factor in work absences, temporary or permanent disability, hospital …

Read more 6 Natural Ways to Manage Osteoarthritis