Now located at: 11629 Northland Dr. NE Ste. 101 Rockford, MI 49341

Phone: 616-884-0645

Feverfew for the Pain in Your Head

Traditionally feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) has been used for supporting digestive health, dealing with head pain, asthma, muscle cramping, psoriasis, and treating the common cold. Nowadays, this herb is often most well-known for its ability to help support migraines. Native to Asia, feverfew now grows throughout the world. It is an aromatic plant and is often …

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Have you ever had pain in your head? A headache is a common health complaint that can vary in many ways. They can last for minutes to day and be mild and annoying to extremely painful and disabling. The more severe the headache, the more likely additional symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, visual disturbances, …

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Peppermint: More Than Just A Candy

Peppermint is one of the most popular herbs used today, and it becomes most apparent each year when the holidays roll around. As cooler weather descends, people all over the globe are bombarded by peppermint; peppermint mocha, peppermint bark, candies, canes, and the list goes on and on. It comes in a wave of ever-rising …

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