What are Physical Therapeutics?
Physical therapeutics is one of the modalities naturopathic doctors (NDs) as a tool to help improve their client’s daily lives. Many different types of physical therapies exist, so the list included here are only those offered at Hazelnut Naturopathic Health. More options will become available once NDs receive licensing in Michigan (more on our licensing efforts here). Dr. Blandford has an extensive background in bodywork as a massage therapist, had classes in physical medicine during her naturopathic education, and has coursework in additional bodywork techniques including craniosacral, IASTM, visceral manipulation, kinesio taping, etc. Contact Dr. Blandford for a Discovery Visit (15 minutes) to see if a session would be right for you. To learn more about each modality, click the links below.
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy is a technique which uses a gentle laying on of hands to assess the cranial bones and fascial systems of the body. Experienced practitioners help create a healing space in which the body can guide its own healing.
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM) involves using manual tools to address adhesions in the muscles and fascial tissues of the body. To learn more, click here.
Kinesio Taping
Originally developed by Dr. Kenzo Kase in the 1970s, kinesio taping has been around for decades helping bolster the body’s natural healing during injury or to help prevent injuries. To learn more about what kinesio taping is, click here.
Massage Therapy/Soft Tissue Manipulation
Soft tissue manipulation involves using massage techniques such as myofascial release, Swedish, trigger point therapy, and deep tissue massage with the goal of restoring proper muscle function, reducing pain, and promoting overall relaxation.
Visceral Manipulation
Visceral Manipulation, developed by Dr. Jean-Pierre Barral, is a gentle laying on of hands technique comparable to craniosacral, but it works specifically with the abdominal cavity, the visceral organs, and how their interact with the rest of your body.