Reclaim Normalcy During Uncertain Times
2021: Reclaim Normalcy During Uncertain Times
Finally, 2020 is behind us and the New Year brings a sense of hope. Even as we move into 2021, normal still has new meaning for how we work, live, and interact with the people in our lives. We may not fully reclaim normalcy during uncertain times, but we can begin to carve out a family and work life that enhances our physical and mental well-being. That starts with finding ways to manage our personal needs so that we can be the best version of ourselves while continuing to be present with those we love.
The pandemic has drained the vast majority of the population one way or another. Some of us are exhausted from shuffling between rooms, ironically trying to find some privacy even while feeling isolated from friends and family. Others are frustrated by the challenges of working from home (for those of us who are lucky enough to still have jobs) while also schooling our children. Many of us worry about how to pay the bills and put healthy food on the table. Even in these times, there is help, and there are small solutions that can make a big difference. Remember, a healthy person has a greater chance of staying healthy, so let's look at several options.
Reclaiming Your Normalcy:
Get Support for Yourself. Find doctors who practice medicine rooted in natural options and who can work with you virtually or in-person to find ways to lift your mood and energy.
Create a Routine/Schedule. This will help you feel "on point" and productive at the end of each day. Research shows that the predictability of a routine is good for decision making, reducing stress levels, and promoting better sleep habits.
Move Differently, but Move. We know physical movement is good for mind and body. Even without a trip to a fitness facility, you can build in time for exercise. Perhaps establish a family "gym class" as part of homeschooling and have fun together playing and moving and, hopefully, giggling together. You can also check out local gyms and yoga studios which may have virtual sessions you can attend.
Take Deep Breaths. There are a variety of breathing techniques to help promote relaxation. One that we recommend for both adults and kids is called The Breathing Box.
Play Games. Whether with your spouse, children or a friend on-line, enjoy the challenge of playing board games that are fun, strategic, or even help you learn something new. There are also online board game sites where you might be able to meet someone new.
Reach Out. It's easy to pull in and isolate, but make a point of calling friends weekly and "zooming" family members outside of your home. If you feel up to it and weather-permitting, consider meeting for a socially distanced outdoor walk
Go to the Great Outdoors. Nature is good therapy! Get away from screen time, refresh body, mind, and spirit in a nearby park, soak up the winter sun, or tackle a hiking trail. For those who have snow, consider cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, or even building a snowman with your children.
Create Work-Life Boundaries. If at all possible, try to keep a schedule of when you are working and when you have free time; do the same for your children. Engage them in experiences such as cooking and woodworking that utilizes skills in math, reading and cognitive thinking.
Keep Up On Healthy Habits. Drink lots of water and maintain healthy eating habits. It's easy to grab "junk food" when you're home all the time. Strive for fruits, vegetables, or even a handful of nuts as healthier snacking options.
Reduce Screen Time. If you work from home, lots of time in front of a screen is unavoidable. Not only is less screen time good for your eyes, this small step can free up a lot of time for other things, including those we've mentioned above. You may also find yourself picking up an old hobby or making more time for pleasure reading.
Please use these ideas to help you reclaim normalcy during uncertain times such as these. As you navigate the continuing challenges presented day by day, we hope that 2021 is truly the beginning of healthier, happier times. Meanwhile, if the strain of pandemic life continues to be overwhelming, or you want more personalized guidance on how to best manage issues, consult with a holistic physician who can make specific recommendations for your cognitive, emotional, and physical health.
- Boptom, SJ, Asper, L, et al., "Ocular And Visual Discomfort Associated With Smartphones, Tablets And Computers: What We Do And Do Not Know." Clin & Exper Optometry. (Jan 2019) https://doi.org/10.1111/cxo.12851
- Arlinghaus, Katherine R, and Craig A Johnston. "The Importance of Creating Habits and Routine." American journal of lifestyle medicine vol. 13,2 142-144. 29 Dec. 2018, doi:10.1177/1559827618818044 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6378489/pdf/10.1177_1559827618818044.pdf
- Beil, Kurt. "Contact with Nature is Good for Your Health." Institute for Natural Medicine Online. https://naturemed.org/contact-with-nature-is-good-for-your-health/
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