Now located at: 11629 Northland Dr. NE Ste. 101 Rockford, MI 49341

Phone: 616-884-0645

Palm for Prostate Health

Native to central Florida, saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) is a shrubby palm tree that grows in large thickets or colonies. Basically, all saw palmetto in the world is grown in the southeastern United States. Making this plant readily available, it is also highly cost-effective for the average consumer. It was used traditionally by Native American …

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The Truths of Testosterone

Hormones have become a hot topic in recent years. These chemical messengers of the body have a wide variety of functions. They play a role in many ways including repair, reproduction, and growth. Blood sugar, blood pressure, body temperature, sleep, etc., all depend on hormone balance to work properly. Testosterone, otherwise known as T, is …

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Dangers of Intimacy: The Story of STIs

For a lot of Americans, this topic can be very uncomfortable. It can bring back the awkward recollections of high school or memories of traumatic events. STIs, otherwise known as sexually transmitted infections, were renamed by the World Health Organization in 1999. These infections used to be called STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) or known by …

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