Now located at: 11629 Northland Dr. NE Ste. 101 Rockford, MI 49341

Phone: 616-884-0645

Halotherapy to the Rescue

Halotherapy, or salt therapy, involves breathing in fine salt particles for health benefits. Discovered in the early 12th century, salt therapy was formally studied in the 1800s. Research has shown halotherapy can be helpful for respiratory symptoms. This includes chronic obstructive respiratory disease (COPD), asthma, cystic fibrosis, and bronchiectasis among others. Patients reported less cough, …

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Water Walking the Kneipp Way

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Dental Practices to Reduce Your Chances of Gingivitis

The mouth is the gateway to the rest of the body, but did you know dental health has an impact on overall health? Poor dental health is associated with cardiovascular disease. In addition, poor oral health is associated with an increased risk of endocarditis, cellulitis, and birth complications including gestational diabetes, miscarriage, and stillbirth. Approximately …

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Cannabinoids and CBD: What Inquiring Minds Need to Know

The recent buzz around cannabinoids and CBD products may have you wondering if a CBD product could be effective for your health concerns. As of today, 37 states and the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico have approved marijuana use for medical concerns. Several other countries around the world have also approved it, and …

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Deal with the Bugs of Summer

Dealing with Bugs of Summer, Naturally

Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I may earn a small commission when you click any link here to which supports Hazelnut Naturopathic Health. You are not charged any extra money if you decide to make a purchase, and you help fund a local business focused on improving the health and …

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Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Ah, Spring! We welcome the pleasant weather, the scent of new blossoms, and open our windows to the rush of fresh air. Along with that, we invite in pollen, grass, mold, and spores. For those who are allergic, our bodies launch a major immune response designed to flush out the offensive agents. This can result …

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The Acne Remedy: From Diet to Skincare Routine

Ranging from minor flare-ups to significant inflammation, acne is a condition that varies in appearance and severity, primarily appearing on the face, chest, and back. Many teenagers struggle with acne and it can linger well into adulthood. Whether acne is mild or severe, the best approach to treatment is individualized, utilizing natural and safe therapies …

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Nature’s Remedy Just Beyond Your Front Door

Feeling sluggish? Unmotivated? Stressed? Depressed or anxious? Before you reach for medication, consider trying nature's remedy just beyond your front door. Compelling scientific evidence shows the less time children and adults spend in nature, the greater the detriment to our well-being. Here's a closer look at "nature-deficit disorder" and the health benefits of being out …

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